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KUWTK: Episode 12

Kim discusses that since she's been training that she's become aware of more fad diets and that she believes Kourtney (who is gluten-free) is prone to jumping on fad diets. Due to this Kim questions Kourtney's health. Kourtney is a big advocate on limiting processed food intake. Kim says that she read an article saying that a gluten free diet has more arsenic and could be worse for you. Kourtney prides herself on being 'the healthiest eater' and says that her sisters give her a hard time about her dietary choices  They do a 'sweat test' to test who is healthier by showing different levels of organisms in the respiration  Then tried a blood and urine test Kourtney has a specific doctor for food allergies Kim 'Because Kourtney is gluten free and I'm not I want to see who is healthier  Kourtney 'Kim never believes that I should be gluten free' *we think Kourtney is insane* Both Kim and Kourtney came back with ...

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